Whether you're here at the start of your motherhood journey with your heart filled with anxious anticipation, or as a seasoned parent covered in dirty finger prints and tripping over LEGO's on your way out the door, I welcome you... and I'm so glad you're here.

When I’m photographing motherhood, I’m reminded of all the seasons of motherhood I’ve experienced; the unknowing that comes with waiting, the heartbreak of loss and grief, the nervous anticipation of those last few weeks of pregnancy. and the overwhelming, indescribable love that follows. I am flooded with memories of my boys as babies and toddlers, moments that I thought I might break from exhaustion or burst from joy. It all comes back to me every single time and allows me to connect wholeheartedly with families, helping me to capture authentic moments and emotion during our session together.

To witness the magical moments that are your life story, to capture it in all its real, raw, beauty. To see you, mama, as the wonder that you are. That is one of the greatest gifts this work has given me.

What an honor it would be to document your motherhood journey. 


Dear Sweet Mama,

"Amazing photographer, friend and mother"

Motherhood & Maternity Session Client

It was a blessing to work with her and have her be a part of these moments in my life! 

- Alex Juel

"It is my heart’s desire to create sincere imagery that captures the true essence and spirit of a moment. I hope that as you view this work, you’ll not just see beautiful imagery, but feel the depth of each moment in your heart."

- Janet

Signature Images

Click to Explore featured motherhood and family images


Chloe's Maternity Session


Studio Motherhood Session


Packard Family

inquire about your session

Fine-art motherhood & family sessions begin at $950. 


Highlight Film Add-On

Add a beautifully-captured 1-2 minute highlight film on to any portrait session. Highlight films are set to music, intentionally captured during the natural flow of your photography session, and are delivered in both horizontal and vertical format.  


— Allison; motherhood client

"You captured tender moments with my daughter that I never want to forget!"

There's nothing quite like seeing your family connect in a carefully crafted highlight film.  A treasured keepsake that will bring joy to your heart for years to come!  Highlight Films are an add-on feature and may be added to any motherhood/family session. 

Highlight films

2020 copyright janet lin photography   |   site credits

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